Bradford Thermoseal Roof Metal Wall is a light duty, paper-based metal roof sarking recommended for higher temperature applications where support spacing is 900mm or under, or supported below. It provides both an outward and inward reflective airgap R-Value when positioned adjacent to an air space and has an antiglare finish on the outward facing surface to reduce glare during installation.
Product Code
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m² per roll
Applications with bulk insulation
Where the stud frame is filled with bulk insulation making contact with the wall wrap and there is an air cavity (minimum 25mm) between the wall wrap and the external cladding, Thermoseal Wall Wrap XP is recommended. This innovative, patterned outward facing antiglare wall wrap relies upon the air gap between the frame and cladding to produce an air-gap R-Value, allowing the insulation batts to be positioned hard up against the inside face of the wrap.
Benefits during construction
Protects the building structure from the elements prior to the application of the metal roof, which limits water damage to internal structural components;
Improves on-site work flow efficiency by allowing some internal trades to commence work before the metal roof is applied.
Benefits once your house is built
Protects your home from wind driven rain and dust ingress, creating a secondary protective skin in the event of storm damage to your roof;
Reduces draughts entering the roof space, allowing insulation to work more effectively which ultimately improves the energy efficiency of your home;
Contributes a reflective R-Value which improves the overall thermal insulation value of the roof structure when positioned adjacent to an air cavity;
Provides compliance to BAL bush fire ember attack requirements in accordance AS3959 by providing a secondary form of ember protection for the roof space - all products comply with a flammability index of less than or equal to 5 when tested in accordance with AS1530.2.